Previously, I talked about the people and the place of rock climbing. Now, this is the real action!
I did three climbs that day. We all did three. We would get ourselves mounted to the rope at the harness, and start climbing.
The first two climbs were for us to get a feel of what rock climbing was. The wall that we climbed was refered to as the "Baby Wall". It therefore had a lot of holes and cracks for us to get a firm grip for support.
The third climb was just inches away from the "Baby Wall", yet it was a much harder climb. The nearer you were to the top, the less cracks or holes there were for you to grip. It would then require more skills and strength to climb it.
Learn to trust the rope, they said.
I had reached the top of the "Baby Wall". Yeah!!!
Now this was me during the much harder climb. I was then one third the distance away from the top.
During that climb, I was too exhausted at some point to continue my climb. Therefore, I sat in my harness and took a breathing break.
Malcolm was my belayer then, and he had to wait patiently for me to gain my strength back. Poor guy...
You look like you berak-ing. -_-"
Sound tough yet fun with the climbing.
Good sports. keep it up.
from thian xi (ex-highian)
Will try that next time....:)
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