Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Filler Post

It has been a while since I last updated. Life has been busy, what with my work and my family. I guess being busy means that it was time-fulfilling, yet that should not be the reason to neglect some of the things important in life, like your family and friends.
I was in Johor Bahru for a day and three nights. Imagine that.
It had been almost four months since I last went there. The last time that I was here, I received a shock that made me more wary about making friends round and about. Things that you just cannot predict from a person, they are crazy and they make you crazy. However, having said that, I am pretty much a crazy person too. I make a lot of people go crazy. Haha!!!
Well, that's update for now.
Sipadan update will be coming soon.

1 comment:

Fish Fish said...

I still remember how we have the topic on your Johor's trip. Indeed, a crazy one. LOL So, any special thing was happening in Johor this time?