Ee Chia and Lee Na @ the Food Court, The SpringI never gave much thought about this, but friends of mine from High School just met up last night to have dinner and drinks together at the Food Court in The Spring.
Both Ee Chia and Lee Na I had not seen since I graduated high school. Heck! I had not seen them even before graduation, after we were seperated into different classes after junior high.
Ee Chia just gave birth to a beautiful daughter a month ago, and Lee Na is expecting in another two months' time. Two mothers from my year, and I am still walking around single. :)
Both looked the same as they had a decade ago. Time had not age them, but life had put them into different catogories now. I wish them well in keeping their families. :) I am always happy to see my friends having good things in their life. :)
Anna @ RainAnna was from my class too in junior high. She had been quiet in her younger days, and spent her time doing God-knows-what, for she and I had beed seated a distance away, almost a room across. But I had always this memory of me teasing her rather "sad" look, and she would always tolerate me in a big-sisterly way. Now, eleven years later, she came back from the city, and could nail me back whenever I started teasing her. But at the end of the day, I was the one with the oppotunity of having the last say. Haha!!! I might be a little older than our times in school, but my cheekiness had never failed to strike home. And as we were when we were young, she would tolerate me in her big-sisterly way, with a smile.
It was great to have our friends home.
lucky heng: hey, there, heng heng... I miss you too... :)
When our turn to lim, 女Scropio???
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